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Name: Margaret Stevens
Date: 05/02/2013
Message: I was wondering if you would post a notice for a concert that we are having on May 25 from 2pm-4pm at the Ozark Theatre in Webster Groves, MO. Hank Harold's Western Swingsters will be performing. There is a reception at 1:30pm with the artist and includes free hor d'oeuvres, snacks, coffee and soda. Go to our webpage at for ticket information. Thanks

Name: Paula Teague
Date: 03/20/2013
Message: Thank you for the oldies. I listen every day starting at 7:00 AM. You have the best radio station. Don't ever change your programming. It is so difficult to find good music, and you do a fine job.

Name: Shane Canter
Date: 03/15/2013
Message: Born and raised in Troy 47 yrs ago remember listening to KWRE now living in Texas howdy y'all flash back memories listening to KWRE on the computer while I do security at a Texas chemical plant. Gracias that's thank you in Texas Mexican for Internet live listening.

Name: Kathleen Baue
Date: 03/09/2013
Message: I,m so happy to have found you. Do you also do the country store on the computer?

Name: David Linn
Date: 03/04/2013
Message: Listening to your station from over in Illinois. Love your country music!

Name: Michelle Tinsley
Date: 12/28/2012
Message: Listen everyday and i have been for the last 40 years!

Name: Peggy Laux
Date: 10/12/2012
Message: I remember listening to your station many years ago. My uncle Bill Key sent a tape to you probably about 30 years ago. He was know as Fiddlin Willie Key. Do you still have a copy of that tape. I would love to have a copy on a cd. Also, my daughters boyfriend was a DJ on you station around 30 years ago. His name is Jim Housekenect.

Name: Herb Bush Martinsburg
Date: 09/28/2012
Message: Layin' n the hammock by the lake listening to great Country music remembering when

Name: jeffery thomas
Date: 09/11/2012
Message: i just have to win bingo once

Name: Michelle M. Hunter
Date: 08/07/2012
Message: I Just Love Country Music and All The County Fairs!

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Kaspar Broadcasting Company

P.O. Box 220
Warrenton, MO 63383
Toll Free: (877) 259-7373
(636) 377-2300

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