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 Guest Book

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Name: Barbara Brotherton
Date: 11/07/2011
Message:  Thank you for being there you are a great source of information & pleasure.Don't change a thing.

Name: Jay Studdard
Date: 10/22/2011
Message: Good Morning KWRE! Jay (Bedhed of Bedhed and Blondy)

Name: Randy Bunge
Date: 09/20/2011
Message: I can receive the streaming webcast, but it is muffled and scratchy

Name: donna jones
Date: 09/11/2011
Message: love the website.I'll be tuning in!

Name: Barton and Clelia Nugerst
Date: 09/05/2011
Message: We have retired in Crestview, Fla. We miss Hermann, but this is nice. Love to hear the morning shows. God Bless All

Name: Boris Norris
Date: 08/31/2011
Message: We are happy in Golden Pond, Ky. We enjoy and appreciate the internet broadcast. KWRE anywhere, YES !! Thank you, and all your sponsors

Date: 08/31/2011

Name: Michelle Tinsley
Date: 08/25/2011
Message: I've been listening to kwre for 4o years ,thanks doing such a great job !

Name: Gen Sieker
Date: 08/22/2011
Message: Glad you put bingo on line

Name: Dottie Dorais
Date: 08/11/2011
Message: Keeping my fingers crossed you will call my bingo numbers.

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Kaspar Broadcasting Company

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Warrenton, MO 63383
Toll Free: (877) 259-7373
(636) 377-2300

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